Tuesday, April 1, 2014

How hiring would lead to growth

Hiring process is one of the most important tasks in the business world. It has the same importance for any business like the strong roots have for a tree.

 Hiring process is one of the most important tasks in the business world. It has the same importance for any business like the strong roots have for a tree. Mostly, I hear from people that if your business is growing then you need more people to handle it. However, in marketing word, your business will grow IF you have more people. Just like a tree will grow more if its roots are strong and long enough to hold a tree as it grows. Similarly, hiring would lead to growth in a long run.

As I said above, hiring is important, but even more important is hiring a right person for a right position because it’s not a good idea to let the high school kid give a speech to a person who is running a billion dollar company successfully. If a person has no knowledge and experience about his/her job, that could be one of the biggest barriers in business growth.

Hiring process can be done in three simple steps if you do it right. These three simple steps are recruiting, interviewing, and selecting the best employee for your business.  Also, the right tools help you to select a right person for a position, such as appropriate interview questions, clear job description, and positive attitude. Hiring process has to be well organized, straight forward and must be following the law and regulations of the company.

In other words, hiring process is the first step of a business growth and development. It’s always a good idea to spend more time and affords to pick a right employee because that person might have the ability to transform your business from a failure to a winner.  

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